Jobs Overseas. Here’s How To Find One!

4 min readNov 1, 2020

Yes! There are simple ways to find a great job!

Job Search Overseas courtesy Billgreen54

It’s estimated that close to nine million Americans work in other countries. Why is that? Well, there are quite a few reasons. The term for those people would be American Diaspora or overseas Americans.

Many naturalized Americans want to return to their home country for economic or family reasons.

No matter what the reason, there are quite a few benefits to living in another country besides the U.S. Adding employment overseas to a resume could be a bonus for the right opportunity back in America. Finding a job in another country in difficult financial times might be a great way to survive an economic downturn.

I have lived in Ukraine for the past fourteen years. You would be surprised at how many foreigners we have met. These are people from around the world that have come here for a number of reasons.

If you have ever given thought to living in another country besides your own, there are a few things you might consider doing beforehand. When you have an opportunity or a little bit of curiosity about a specific country or two, go there and stay a while.

It might be everything you expected. At the very least, you will discover more about another way of life. Before buying that ticket, do the research…




Expats know the value of living in another country other than the United States. Bill and Larisa Green share valuable insights along with the benefits!